Ingredients :
- 250 g flour
- 1 pinch of salt (5g)
- 125 ml of water
- 185 g unsalted butter

Place the flour on your work plan, make a hole in the middle and have sifted salt and then add the water.
Work quickly the paste to make it homogeneous to obtain a mixture of flour and water in proportions varibles smooth. Let stand 20 minutes to cool.
Bring the fat to consistency identical to the previous mixture.
Roll dough into a cross in the center leaving thicker (about 5 mm).
Place the butter square in the center of the dough and wrap the edges of dough like an envelope.
Let stand 10 minutes
Spread in a rectangular shape and fold 3.
Put upside down and rotate 1/4 turn.
Roll again into a rectangle.
Fold 3.
Let stand 20 minutes.
This is 2 laps and it takes 6 so again 2 more times the same opertion.
The dough is then ready for use.

Chef's tip :
It keeps 2-3 days in the refrigerator, more expected to use, the better the lamination.


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