Safety is a key ingredient in Eastman Tritan™ Copolyester

We understand there are questions about the safety of plastic materials in products you use every day, like water bottles, baby bottles and food storage containers. We can see how the conflicting information can be confusing — and make it hard to know what's safe for you and your family. Concerned consumers like you simply want information that is credible, well-supported and easy-to-understand. Here are a few facts about Eastman Tritan™ copolyester.

Tritan has no estrogenic or androgenic activity

Tritan is not manufactured with BPA or other bisphenols, such as bisphenol S (BPS), that would be chemical analogs of BPA.

Tritan is extremely tough and impact resistant.

Tritan is crystal-clear so you can easily see container contents.

Tritan has exceptional dishwasher durability.

Safety and the Environment

You can't see the total safety picture without considering the impact a plastic has on the environment. Eastman Tritan™ copolyester offers a wide range of sustainability advantages compared with other materials used in food contact applications:

Inherent toughness and durability increases product life and may reduces waste.

Tritan is much lighter than glass, which can reduce energy used in shipping.

Tritan is extremely impact resistant (see

Compared to polycarbonate, another tough and clear polymer, Tritan can be molded into articles with less waste, less energy and fewer greenhouse gases.


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